Also, despite Armin advising him and Jean to keep their cloaks up, since the Female Titan won't kill you unless she can see whether you're Eren or not, Reiner deliberately lowers his before he attacks her (since he obviously needs her to recognize him.) She also gives the subtlest grin when she does recognize him and he winks at her before she appears to "crush" him with her hand. The Female Titan first attacked at the rear of the right wing, hinting that Reiner gave her the intel. For Reiner, when he meets with Armin and Jean, each of them reveals that they were given differing information regarding Eren's position within the formation, but Reiner mentions that his map said Eren is in the rear of the right wing.Jean also refers to her impressive combat skills and extreme athleticism. She was in their class since she knows who the nickname explicitly refers to. For Annie, the Female Titan noticeably reacts to Armin using Eren's "suicidal maniac" nickname, which means that 1.Foreshadowing: There is a ton of it in this episode for both Reiner and Annie's future reveals as the Titan Shifter Spies.Poor guy desperately tries to tell someone to warn them about the Female Titans presence not knowing that everyone else in his squad are dead. Eye Scream: One member of the spotting squad lost his eyes during the Female Titans attack judging by his blacked out eyes.One that shows far more intelligence then even an Abnormal should be capable of. All seems to be going well for the Survey Corps when suddenly Armin runs into a mysterious Female Titan. Using Commander Erwin's long range scouting procedure the 57th Scouting Mission is officially underway.